Sunday, July 11, 2010

¡Estoy una estudiante en la Universidad Veritas!

So okay, the Spanish language is finally making its way back to me. Definitely not completely, but enough to at least understand conversations at the dinner table. (Yes, it was that bad before). No, I won't come back speaking fluently. But I am picking up even the simplest of things that make me feel a little bit more confident.

Note to self: Keep practicing the language when I go back to the states or I'll lose it again.

I love my teacher. I love my teeny tiny class of five. And I don't even mind that it's a four hour class starting at 8 am. I'm in Costa Rica where schedules don't matter, and no one wears watches (unless you're from the U.S.). It's nice to have some sort of routine I can follow every day. It's the only time since I've been here that my type-a personality is being paid attention to...probably a good thing.

I really love this university too. It's super artsy fartsy, and there are always Tico students out and about doing, making, and creating all sorts of things. Just the other day me and some other 'gringas' (slang term for girls from the U.S.) were asked to help make an AXE deodorant commercial. Our job was to tackle him in the street--pretty ideal situation considering he wasn't half bad to look at.

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